Disney and the science of creating dreams

Well, to be honest Walt Disney wasn’t a scientist strictly speaking, but when it came to Film Studies not only was he a pioneer but a great inventor too. Thanks to him we can enjoy, for example, Dolby Surround System.

Did you know Fantasia was the first feature film being recorded with a complex system of 33 microphones in order to achieve a sound which would fill every space of the theatre?

But Disney wasn’t alone in this process, he had the invaluable help of two great engineers: William E. Garity and John N.A. Hawkins. Take into account Walt Disney was a witness in the beginning of the sound cinema, he lived the time when films where played along with a live orchestra, so it was really important to him to achieve a perfect recorded sound in his films.

Disney, Garity and Hawkins managed to record the orchestra, the voices of the choir and the sound the sounds effects in different tracks. That’s how ‘Fantasound’ was born. It wasn’t a huge success at that time but it helped to define the basis of the sound we know nowadays. Don’t forget this system was created in 1940, just 12 years after Steamboat Willie Disney’s co. first sonorizad short film. Isn’t it amazing?

However, Walt’s achievements in the Cinema field went far beyond. This Chicago man was the first storyteller in adding color to a cartoon short film: Flowers and Trees (1932). Apparently he was a really tough cookie; when he truly believed something could improve his films he went for it. His personal slogan could have been: ‘I believe, so I insist!

Maybe he didn’t study Physics at college but his progress in the Film theory turns him into the most important scientist in the science of creating dreams, the one in charge of entertaining people.

If you can dream it, you can do it!

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